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Your Heart Speaks Wisdom
for Living Life with More Grace and Ease.
Are You Listening?

For some of us, it takes years to find the ease and flow that others seem to be living with every day. Instead, we struggle through ordinary circumstances, have unfulfilling relationships, financial hardships, unsatisfying careers, and lives that are boring, trivial, and empty. We wonder about the meaning of life and are always looking for something different, better, or more. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Your Heart Knows the Perfect Path for You.

When you tap into the innate wisdom of your heart, you discover a light for your journey. Your inner guidance provides direction and “nudges” to assist you. The key is to tune in, listen, and follow the Divine intelligence as you navigate your life.

The incredible women in this book have learned to follow the guidance of their hearts to live in a way that feels good to them, serves a higher purpose, and feeds their spirit. They share transformational experiences to help light the way for you with encouragement and love from a place of newfound and deep wisdom.

Heart Whispers is a collection of stories reflecting the incredible power of being tuned into the resonance of your heart and the transformations that follow.

Explore The Valuable Lessons of Your Heart Wisdom:

  • Living authentically aligns you with your soul’s calling
  • Recognizing and leaning into your spiritual awakening
  • Changing your surroundings changes your life energy
  • Following your heart for personal and business growth
  • Forgiveness is a path to joy, contentment, and peace
  • Consciously awaken your creativity within
  • Recognize the teachers and lessons in your midst
  • Call on your angels and guides who are always with you


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Publisher of inspirational and empowerment books. Our collaborative books have helped more than 400 women become published authors. Our mission is to raise the vibration of people and the planet and to connect and empower individuals in their lives. If your mission is aligned, we’d love to publish your book and

BONUS GIFT: 7 Questions to Ask BEFORE You Start Writing Your Book. You’ll be guided to identify your “big why”, clarify your content, identify your audience, plan your time, quantify finances, structure your promotion. Includes details for decision-making and clear, practical action items to start now! Get Your Gift


Founder of Divine Human Institute, Kumari is a catalyst for soul-full evolution. Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, Reiki Master and best-selling author, Kumari was a civil rights attorney when her father died of cancer, inspiring her to master energy medicine. For the past 33 years she has facilitated profound transformations for thousands of people and their beloved animals.

BONUS GIFT: Higher Heart Chakra Activation – The opening of this new Higher Heart chakra energy center is a key step in your spiritual awakening. Your Higher Heart chakra is your gateway to higher consciousness, aligning your life in love, prosperity, joy, fulfillment and purpose. Additionally, activating this region supports a healthy thymus gland which plays a crucial role in strengthening your immune system. Get Your Gift


AmondaRose Igoe, “6-Figure Speaking Success Strategist,” is an award-winning speaker expert and best-selling author. She has been featured on CBS, NBC, FOX and in Chicken Soup for the Soul. AmondaRose is the author of “Pain-Free Public Speaking” and “Share Your Story,” and is the creator of the 6-Figure Speaker Roadmap.

BONUS GIFT: Take The Speaker Personality Quiz. Get rid of what isn’t working for you, so you can create more compelling presentations, deeper audience connection, increase program sales and… skyrocket your speaking opportunities. Get Your Gift


Nora Yolles Young B.C.H, C.I., LBL® Nora’s work as a certified integrative and regression hypnotherapist and instructor; Life Between Lives® therapist; Soul Consciousness Coach are her art and her soul’s purpose. She blends her understanding of consciousness and culture in her one-on-one and group sessions, training, lectures and publications to help clients creatively align with their soul purpose.

BONUS GIFT: Connect and have greater access to the innate technology that lies within you and level up in all areas of your life with a free 1:1, 30 minute discovery call with Nora Yolles Young. Have the experience of discovering what working Nora will be like. You won’t want to miss it. Get Your Gift


Helping you LIVE WELL – uniting the wisdom of science and Spirit. Education rather than medication to support WHOLE HEALTH.

BONUS GIFT: Five Free FInger tips to build your resilience anytime and anywhere!Get Your Gift


Amy is a Source intuitive, channeler and gifted energy healer who teaches creative entrepreneurs how to leave struggle behind and step into a impassioned life of unlimited possibility and empowered choice. Amy is the creator of powerful meditations that work and programs that create breakthroughs in prosperity, joy and well being. &

BONUS GIFT: Do something different! Move easily from stuck-ness and struggle to flow and ease around money in your life! This powerful Money Reiki Healing mp3 aligns you with the vibration of money to open up your money flow. The powerful energy in the Healing Mp3 works on a vibrational level and will relax and soothe you as you listen.  Get Your Gift


Women In Joy, founded by Laura Rubinstein is an online retreat for Women. You can share and receive inspiring messages. Ask Coach Laura your questions and she will share her advice. Access the tools for cultivating your Feminine Power and living a joy-filled, passionate, juicy life!

BONUS GIFT: Are you ready to have more soul-connected juicy relationships? How about living authentically without stress or guilt and create flowing success! It all starts with a conscious awareness of our feminine essence. The Living In Feminine Energy Guide is here as our personal gift to you. Get Your Gift


Sarah Lascano is an energy healer, medical intuitive, and best-selling author. She has helped hundreds of people recover their health. She is a recognized holistic and energy healing expert and speaker. It is her passion to help people discover the root cause of their health problems and move forward in health freedom.

BONUS GIFT: Freebie Powerful you: We all have moments of stress, anxiety, or overwhelm when life “happens.” Add the Stress Less Mini to your self-help toolbox! In just ten minutes, listen to this energy healing meditation that lets go of stress, soothes your nervous system, and gets you feeling better FAST. Get Your Gift

erin O’connor

Erin O’Connor is a Certified Mindfulness Instructor with over 20 years of teaching experience. Erin is the founder of Happy Humans Mindfulness, where she helps moms and schools raise empowered, strong, and happy children with simple (and FUN) mindfulness approaches backed by science.

BONUS GIFT: Get this free Children’s Mindfulness Book Guide. Top 50 mindfulness books to help you introduce your kids or students to mindfulness, boost their resilience, and help them become happy and emotionally healthy adults. Each of these books contains beautiful messages and practical tools to encourage healthy minds and hearts. Get Your Gift

Lin Moctezuma

Lin Moctezuma is a Certified Life Coach who specialize in Stress Management and building powerful relationships. She offers one-on-one coaching sessions and provides Simple Tools and Daily Practices to Free Your Mind, Go from Stress to Calm, and Live Your Best Life.

BONUS GIFT: Thirty minute discovery session. In our discovery session we will learn about each other and see if we’re a good fit to work together. Discuss what you are looking for, hope to achieve, or desired outcome and talk about the next steps. Visit my website to claim your free session. Get Your Gift

Virginia Hunter Sampson

Virginia Hunter Sampson is an author, speaker and coach who guides others to discover the power to live a life that meets their needs and reflects their values—an authentic life.

BONUS GIFT: DO YOU FEEL: That you are not living the life you want to live; That you are powerless to change your life. YOU CAN: Change your life to be what you want it to be; Become empowered to live the life you want to live. This EBOOK provides the first simple steps to do just that! Get Your Gift

Debbie Weiss – Speaker & Author

Debbie, a veteran life strategist, author, and podcast host, has overcome severe challenges, becoming an inspirational beacon. Her memoir, “On Second Thought, Maybe I Can…,” and the “Maybe I Can” podcast demonstrate her ability to uplift and motivate with her powerful, life-changing experiences.

BONUS GIFT: Uncover your power within with a FREE preview from “On second thought…maybe i can! Get Your Gift

Whole Heart Ranch – Amy Budd

Whole Heart Ranch works with businesses and individuals from the perspective of a horse herd! Working with businesses we have a unique “whole herd” approach helping companies increase engagement while reducing stress which ultimately saves money. Working with individuals to help improve coherence, reduce stress, and fully listen to your heart to achieve maximum potential.

BONUS GIFT: The Ultimate Leadership Lessons from Horses Guide. Everyone is a leader in the horse world! We lead by example, lead with support, and drive others. If you are ready to level up your leadership from the perspective of a horse herd click on the link to download your complimentary copy! Get Your Gift

Sarah Hauth

The Electro-Equiscope is a complete pain management, rehabilitation and peak performance system, equipped with outstanding capabilities and performance. It utilizes the finest electronic technology in combination with the ability to deliver precise muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, and connective tissue stimulation and is designed to normalize targeted and localized tissue function.

BONUS GIFT: Quick, easy and inexpensive health, wellness and lifestyle tips for living your best Simply Electric Life. Get Your Gift

Heather Dare

Heather Dare is a Certified Yoga Therapist & Creator of The White Feather, a holistic self-care program for Women & Mother’s with Stress, Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD.

BONUS GIFT: Free Guided relaxation &
Free Yoga Therapy consultation. Get Your Gift

Dr Lara May, PharmD BCPS APh CFMP

Dr. Lara May is an Advanced Practice Clinical Pharmacist, Functional Medicine Health Coach, and Master Attuned Intuitive Healer & Teacher, who specializes in getting to the root cause of disease via functional medicine & energy medicine.

BONUS GIFT: This bundle combines the power of physical and energetic healing methods to help you heal your mind, body, and spirit. With clean eating, daily gratitude practices, guided angelic reiki meditations, and more, this kit is designed to bring balance and peace into your life. Get ready to transform yourself from the inside out. Get Your Gift

Antonella Dewell

I’m a registered dietitian and IBS nutritionist with a passion for helping women with IBS find their way back to eating without fear of painful gut symptoms or unnecessary diet restrictions. I help them manage their life-disrupting gut symptoms so they can stop feeling anxious around food and get their life back.

BONUS GIFT: 10 Steps to Beat the Bloat Guide. Learn ten easy strategies you can do right away to take you one step closer to finding relief from bloating and other gut symptoms without unnecessary diet restrictions. Get Your Gift

Transformation Triumphs Retreat

When you experience A-HA moments, the story of your life is transformed. In a retreat setting, you are welcome to open your heart and mind to your inner knowing. When you hear from speakers who are also bestselling authors, you know you are learning from women and men who have value to share. Join us October 6-9, 2023.

BONUS GIFT: BONUS: Early action gets you fabulous benefits! Do you like saving and FREE stuff? With your paid registration to attend our four-day hybrid retreat, you get a gift from each of our 23 authors, a free ebook, AND a FREE copy of our Transformation Triumphs book, and so much more. Visit our website to register today. Get Your Gift

Join our Online Poetry Community

Saira Priest and Angela Myers are co-authors of SPIRIT: A Dance of Poetry, a weaving of words by two poets who combine their poems into a shared celebration of nature and the human spirit. We invite you to join our nascent poetry community, where together we will continue to co-create through virtual poetry circles – nourishing and cultivating our collective creative expressions.

BONUS GIFT: “SEEK JOY” e-book by Saira Priest, author of “Zen of Hoarding: 108 offerings for deciding what you own.” Sign up for a “Dose of Joy” – occasional inspirations by email, and receive an email with your FREE PDF E-BOOK titled “SEEK JOY” filled with beautiful images and encouraging words for your journey. Get Your Gift


Ladybug Wellness is dedicated to empowering clients to achieve balance within their energy system to promote overall health and wellness. This website is a wealth of resources that will inspire anyone to find their true calling and passion by letting go of anything in their past that hinders them from a life worth living.

BONUS GIFT: Would you like to have more clarity and focus in your life; feel more whole, balanced and energized? Emotion Code is a non-invasive effective technique to release trapped negative energies that hinder you from feeling and experiencing all the good that life has to offer. Receive your complimentary introductory mini session here: Get Your Gift

Janice Jackson, LMT

5 Strategies to Improve Your Brain? Exercise, Balanced diet, Mental stimulation, Quality sleep, Stress Management. There is a device that helps with all 5. It’s called BrainTap. An app that pairs with your smart device and offers over 1,000 sessions: Stress Relief, Creativity, Life Mastery, Optimal Health, Weight Wellness, Children & Learning, and more.

BONUS GIFT: My name is Janice Jackson. My mission is to educate you in healing modalities that allow you to enjoy your life in a healthy, pain-free manner. I have lots to share and I’m here to support you on your healing journey. Get Your Gift

LifeTime Advisors Group – Holistic Financial Planning For Women by Women

Helping women protect and preserve their lifestyle by developing lifetime income plans that promote physical, emotional and financial well-being. Take the mystery out of managing your money, protect your lifestyle income, maintain your health and pursue the type of lifestyle you want in retirement. Holistic financial planning.

BONUS GIFT: A webinar helping you with Lifestyle and Legacy Planning for Women By Women. Learn how women protect and preserve their lifestyle by developing lifetime income plans that promote physical, emotional and financial well-being. Protect your wealth, maintain your health and pursue the type of lifestyle you want in retirement. Get Your Gift